Sunday, April 20, 2008

Social Issues-Lebanon

Lebanon is one of the important countries which has an old history in the Middle East. In the past, Lebanon was called the land of the milk and the honey. Beirut is the capital of Lebanon and it has a famous nickname which is the Paris of the East. This country has produced many celebrities like Shakira. Syria, Israel, Jordan, Turkey and Cyprus surround Lebanon.

Since 1943 until 1948 there were some problems between the Christians and the Muslims after the gained independence from France this was because of the Christians when they tried to take the power of Lebanon whereas the Muslims didn’t agree which made some tensions between them. Another cause for the tensions was in 1975 when the Christians killed a bus of full Palestinians in the down town of Beirut. Because of the tensions there were some results such as revenge killings and violence that began to spiral out of control. At 1982, the Israeli army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestinian Liberation Organization. After that by seven years the peace deal reached. There were some human and economic costs of a conflict such as “between 150000-20000” people were killed, 300000 people were wounded and the economy paralyzed.

Nowadays there are some signs of social and economic recovery in Beirut. For example, the different religions are living together, (people live in peace). Also there is development in the civilization like malls, bars and coast. On the other hand, there are also some current problems in the country such as the people who have left and the employment which remains very high.


"Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. 25 Spring 2006.Royal Geographical Society. 8 Apr. 2007 .

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Conflict Diamond Power Point

To view my Power Point on conflict diamonds

  • First click the link below
  • Next, on the new page click Download File

It may take a few seconds for the page to set itself up.

Download conflictdiamonds.ppt