Saturday, May 3, 2008

Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint is defined as a measure of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the lift stage of a product. I calculated my "carbon footprint" by using and I got 2.41 which mean that I got an average which is lower than the UK average, and the survey goes like this: 20% for food, 22% for travel, 27% for home and 28% for stuff. Carbon footprint is the result of our acts in both individuals and society, which will finally effect the world’s climate change.
The carbon footprint is measuring the amount of CO2 we produce every day by different ways. Including almost everything we do in our lives.

The calculations of carbon footprint calculate the amount of energy we use in order to produce electricity, and usage of transportation and even food consumption and many other stuff we do.
After having an idea about carbon footprint, we should reduce it by many ways which will be mentioned later.
First, we have to increase the efficiency of our machines, and use less energy. After that we will see that carbon footprint will decrease and we will reduce the carbon emissions we produce. To know more about carbon footprint you could visit other web sites, which will help you have more information about carbon footprint statistics.


sager174blogproject said...

i enjoyed reading your article it was rather good, thank you for the effort

mohamed said...

Thank you Sager for your passing